I (don't) get up late. My friend (doesn't) get up late every day. I (don't) meet my friends after school. My friend (doesn't) meet his /her friends after school. I (don't) help with the chores. My friend (doesn't) helps with the chores. I (don't) play football. My friend( doesn't) play football.
Ți-am plus în paranteza variantele negative ca să pui cum crezi ca ești tu și prietenul (prietena ta) restu doar copiezi.
Sper ca e ok
1) i get up late rarely. my friend every day get up late.
2) I meet my friend after school every day. my friend, also every day meet theyre friends.
3) I help witth the chorse rarely. my friend rarely help with the chores
4) I never play football. My friend rarely play football