Alcătuiește un dialog asemănător cu acesta
Îmi trebuie urgent!

John : How did you like France ,Mike ?
Mike : It's the most wonderful city I've ever seen !
John : What impressed you most of all ?
Mike : The sights!It seems out of this world .I had the chance to admire the scene from the high Eiffel Tower and I must admit that it's a spectacular view from up there .
John : Sounds great !Have you tried the french croissants ?
Mike : Oh ,of course .It's a delicious dessert.
Sarah: What's your opinion about Romania now, Victor?
Victor: I'm quite impressed about this country!
Sarah: Be more specific please! What did you like about it?
Victor: Well, the people are really nice there, the food is amazing there! And I loved visiting the "Arch of Triumph". It is beautiful.
Sarah: Glad to hear that! What was your favourite dish?
Victor: It was sarmale with mamaliga! It tasted so good I wanted more!
Sarah: Yep thats right! Ciorba was good as well!
Vicor: Yes it was! Thank you for showing me this amazing country, Sarah.
Sarah: Anytime!
sper ca e bine.
succes <3