am nevoie de ajutor va rog!

A: Why are you so upset grannie?
B: I have lost my glasses.
A: When did you last use them?*
B: When I solved that crosswords in the magazine ten minutes ago.
A: Have you searched in your room?
B: Yes, I have already searched there but I didn't find them.*
A: Have you looked in the drawers?
B: Of course I have. I searched there five minutes ago.
A: Have you asked mum about them?
B: No, I haven't. Your mum left home half an hour ago.
A: Grannie, have you looked in the mirror yet?
B: No, I haven't. Why?
A: Because if you looked there first, you wouldn't search for them now!
Cele care sunt cu * nu sunt sigura ca sunt corecte