Va rog mult este la engleza

2.What has Stefan got?
Stefan has got a kite and a computer, but he hasn't got a dog or a car.
What has Nick got?
3.Nick has got a computer and a car, but he hasn't got a dog or a kite.
4.What have You got?
I've got a computer and a dog, but I've haven't got a kite or a car
5. What your has friend got?
My friend has got a kite and a dog, but she hasn't got a computer or a car
Stefan has got a kite and a computer, but he hasn't got a dog or a car.
Nick has got a computer and a car, but he hasn't got a dog or a kite.
Aici scrii despre tine, daca ai sau nu un caine, un zmeu, un computer sau o masina, le poti lua ca exemplu pe cele de mai sus, dar in loc de 'hasn't got', va trebui sa scrii 'I have got' / 'I haven't got' ( I have got = Eu am / I havent got = Eu nu am )
nu am )La fel si la următoarea, trebuie sa scrii despre un prieten de al tau, daca are sau nu lucurile indicate in tabel.
exemplu fiind: 'My friend HAS GOT, a car, but she/he HASNT GOT a dog.
Ceva de genul. Daca prietenul tau are ceva din cele indicate, vei scrie 'has got', daca NU are vei scrie 'hasnt got'.
Sper ca am putut sa te ajut! Succes! :D