Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the verb in brackets

2. Patrick did't use to read comic books when he was a child, but now he loves them.
3. My grandparents used to love going to festivals when they were young.
4. Sam used to get very high marks when he was at school; he was an excellent student
5. Sarah didn't use to have a car, so she went everywhere on foot
6. Did Emily use to eat out often when she lived alone?
7. Evelyn didn't use to go to the gym, but now she is a member in one.
8. Daniel used to ride a motorbike, but now he has a car
9. Do you use to go to the same school as me? You look familiar.
10. I didn't use to like exercising but now I go jogging every day.
La punctul 2 avem negativ, întrucât cuvântul "but" arată o contradicție. Așadar, Patrick nu obișnia să citească comedii în copilărie, dar acum a ajuns să le iubească.
Aceeași observație și la 7: Evelyn nu obișnuia să meargă la sala de sport, dar acum este membră a unui club.
Aceeași observație și la 10: Nu obișnuiam să fac exerciții fizice, dar acum alerg în fiecare zi.