Ma puteți ajuta va rog frumos !!
Dau coroana!!

1. I have never been to Italy (nu am fost niciodata in Italia)
I have been there with my parents (Am fost acolo cu parintii mei).
2. have you spent
we did not spend too much
we already bought
3. Have you seen avatar last sunday? (ai vazut filmul avatar duminica trecuta?)
She has seen it 5 times. (Sora lui a vazut filmul asta de 5 ori, pt ca il iubeste).
4. She made... (linda iubeste sa faca torturi, o facut 3 ieri)
5. Have I ever showed you my bike? (Ti-am aratat vreodata bicicleta mea?)
No, you have never showed me your bike. But you showed me your skates last week. (dar mi-ai aratat rolele sapt. trecuta)
6. often takes me / last weekend he did not take it. He had... (Unchisu il ia la zoo des, weekendul trecut nu l-o luat (dus) ca o avut o raceala (unchisu))
7. He went / When did he go there? / He left 2h ago. (Unde e tom? O plecat la piscina. Cand o plecat acolo? O plecat acu' 2 ore.
8. Have you invited (ai invitat-o pe Lisa la petrecere?)
No, i never invite her. (Nu, nu o invit niciodata, nu o plac)
9. My father won / He never won. (Tactsu o castigat la lotto miercurea trecuta, era fericit fiindca nu castiga niciodata la lotto).
10. What happened / fell / broke. (Ce s-o intamplat ieri la scoala? Peter asta o picat si si-o rupt piciorul).
11. Have you ever went on a field trip... (ai fost vreodata in excursie cu scoala?) Yes, we went.... (da, am fost la muzeu o data.)
12. already wrote / he didn't write any
13. Have they caught / they found (Cica... O prins hotii? Da, i-o gasit intr-o casa veche, acu cateva zile.)
14. lost/ found it (mama lui o pierdut un inel si l-o gasit din nou,din fericire)
Ti-am tradus pe ici pe colo, sa stii despre ce e vorba.