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A society consists of groups of human beings who are linked together by means of specific systems and customs, rites and laws, and have a collective social existence. Collective life is that in which groups of people live together in a particular region, and share the same climate and similar foodstuffs. Human life is social. Common social interests unite human beings together, giving to every individual a sense of unity similar to that experienced by a group of people travelling together in an automobile or an airplane, or a boat, heading towards the same destination, and sharing together the common hope of reaching a destination safely, the dangers on the way, and a common fate. The key to the mysteries of human nature is to be found in society. Society is the human being in his social relations, and every human being is an individual embodiment of social relations. He absorbs what has been accumulated by the centuries and passed on through traditions. Modern man carries within himself all the ages of history and all his own individual ages as well. His personality is a concentration of various strata of culture. He is influenced not only by modern mass-media, but also by the writings of all times and every nation. He is the living memory of history, the focus of all the wealth of knowledge, abilities, skills, and wisdom that have been accumulated through the ages. The individual is also a link in the chain of generations. His affairs are regulated not only by himself, but also by social standards. This is why the level of individual development is an indicator of the level of development of society, and vice versa. Just as society itself shapes human beings, so human beings shape society. If, for example, we tend to project our selfish interests over everything and we see only selfish interests in society then our relationship with society will lead to more problems than those that already exist. It is not enough to say that we want a just society, without evil, without suffering. We can only build a better society by working on ourselves, making a concrete effort that results in good works. We create a more harmonious society through our own transformation. Relationship through participation expresses the awareness that we are united with the greater human society and implies a constructive attitude toward our own transformation and toward active work for the good of society. If we honestly want a better society, we realize that our lives really don't belong to us; that a life is something that must be offered to all of humanity. By not dispersing our strength in satisfying our personal appetites, we turn our energy into the good work and helpful ideas which are needed at each moment. When we desire to create a more harmonious society, we don't criticize, complain, escape, or look for privileges. We fulfill whatever is necessary, and when we discover something selfish in ourselves, we make the effort to surpass it. Therefore, we work to overcome in ourselves the isolation, indifference and selfishness that we see outside. This interior work inevitably expands to our surroundings and produces a chain reaction of good thoughts and good work. Thus, we should work for the good of society by transforming ourselves into beneficial cells that work quietly and persistently within the greater social body.​

Răspuns :


The society consists of a mass of human beings, which are connected by social interests or fate.

The human life is full of unsolved mysteries. We can try to solve those mysteries by exploring the vast society we live in.

This society that we live in plays one of the main roles in our psychological development. It absorbs countless traditions, facts, achievements that humans have accomplished through the years. We carry our history in our bodies. Every individual’s personality is based on layers of culture. We tend to be influenced by mass-media and by the people that surround us. As long as we realize if it’s a bad influence or not, we can manage to make a change in this world. A change for the better.