2. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences. Use the superlative. BURT HARRY 11 years 13 years ALEX years m ..... 1. Alex's hair is (long)....... 2. Burt's hair is (short)... 3. Harry is (tall) ......... 4. Alexander Is (short). 5. Who is (old) ........ 6. Who is (handsome)... 7. Which boy is (little)... 8. Who is (ugly)..... 9. Who is (good)... 10. Which brother is (bad) .... 11. Whose ball is (big) ........ 12. Whose T-shirt is (short). 13. Burt's T-shirt is (long)...... 14. Is Alex (fat)..... 15. Burt learns (much) 16. Alex laughs (much) 17. Burt is (serious) ......... .... of them. and (dark) of the brothers. and (light)....... ..... of all. and (young)...... ........ of them ........ brother, even if he is (old) ...... brother? ......... of the three brothers? attractive? of all? Riddle . at mathematics? What's the longest word in the English at English? language? Smiles ..? (Because there's a mlle between the first ........ of all? and the last letter.) ........ , isn't it? ...or (thin) .......... ....... of all and Alex (little). and looks (happy) ........., he laughs (little) ......... and seems (sad) .....? 10​