trebuie traduse in limba engleza și puse timpurile potrivite ,, prezent simplu,prezent continuos

1. My father worked as a fireman for 7 years in Rome, but now he works as a mecanic.
2. Have you lived on the same street as *nu inteleg ce scrie aici*?
3. Clear didn't usually wake up early when she was young.
4. This used to be my grandparents' favourite restaurant.
5. We've been waiting for a half an hour, but he still hasn't showed up.
6. My sister was sleeping when the earthquake occured.
7. For how long were you waiting in the front of the cinema?
8. We were preparing for the exam when the electricity cut out. (nu stiu exact cum se spune)
9. We hadn't finished cooking when the guests arrived.
10. Seane forgot her glasses, so she can't read (iarasi nu inteleg)
Unele au fost mai grele, deci nu sunt sigura.