
Puneţi verbul la forma corectă cerută de redarea prin vorbire indirectă a frazei citate intre ghilimele:

1. Michelle's parents: "We are worried about our daughter."
Michelle's parents said that they [ ] worried about their daughter.
2. Michelle's parents: She is missing school classes
Michelle's parents said that their daughter[ ]missing school classes
3. Ben: "My car breaks down very often."
Ben says that his car [ ] down very often
4. Ben: "I am planning to sell my car."
Ben says that he [ ] planning to sell his car.
5. My classmate: "I cannot lend you the book now."
My classmate said that he [ ] not lend me the book at that moment.
6. My classmate: "I am reading the book this week."
My classmate said that he [ ] reading the book that week
7. Ken: "Last summer I was in France.
Ken said that last summer he [ ] in France.
8. Ron: "Central Park is situated in Manhattan.
Ron said that Central Park [ ] situated in Manhattan.
9. Nicole: "| wish I were a movie star."
Nicole said that she wished she [ ] a movie star.
10. The teacher: "The Nile is the world's longest river.
The teacher said that the Nile [ ] the world's longest river.
11. Mother: "In school I was very good at Mathematics.
Mother told us that in school she [ ] very good at Mathematics
12. Father: "I want you to be respectful and helpful people."
Father tells us that he [ ] us to be respectful and helpful people

1. Grandmother: "l had a terrible toothache last week, although I had not eaten hard stuffs."
Grandmother says that she had a terrible toothache last week, although she
hard stuffs
2. Grandmother: "I had a terrible toothache last week, although I had not eaten hard stuffs."
Grandmother said that she had a terrible toothache last week, although she
hard stuffs
3. Mother: "Tom passed all his exams, although I have not seen him studying.
Mother says that Tom passed all his exams, alhough she
him studying
4. Mother: "Tom passed al\ his exams, although 1 have not seen him studying
Mother said that Tom passed all his exams, alhough she
him studying
5. John: "Ann has bought a car, but last time 1 saw her she did not have a driving licence."
John says that Ann
a car, but last time he saw her she did not have a driving licence.
John: "Ann has bought a car, but last time I saw her she did not have a driving licence."
John said that Ann
a car, but last time he saw her she did not have a driving licence.
7. Charles: "Today I have woken up late, which has not happened for a long time.
Charles says that today he has woken up late, which
for a long time
8. Charles: "Today ! have woken up late, which has not happened for a long time.
Charles said that on that day he woke up late, which
for a long time
9. Mick: "I can play the piano, but I have never taken piano lessons
Mick tells us that he can play the piano, but he
piano lessons
10. Mick: "I can play the piano, but I have never taken piano lessons.
Mick told us that he can play the piano, but he
piano lessons
11. Our host: "Washington Avenue is the longest street in town."
Our host told us that Washington Avenue
the longest street in town.
12. Conductor: "Next stop is Aldwych." "Sorry, what did he announce?"
He announced that next stop

1. Grandmother: "1 will see a doctor tomorrow."
Grandmother says that she
a doctor tomorrow.
2. James: "l will give up my job as soon as possible.
James told me that he
his job as soon as possible.
3. Jenny: "My parents will be here next week.
Jenny said that her parents
next week.
4. Dad: "Bob and Tina willbe away for one week."
Dad says that Bob and Tina
for one week.
5. Jack: "1 will not wait more than half an hour."
Jack told me that he
more than half an hour.
Doctor: "You will have to stay indoors for at least one week."
The doctor said that I
stay indoors for at least one week.
7. Joanna: "1 will have to learn more in order to take the exam."
Joanna will agree that she
in order to take the exam.
3. Diane: "l won't come to the next meeting.
Diane told us that she
to the next meeting
9. Charlie: "I will arrive in time
Charlie has promised that he
in time.
10. Teacher: "An eclipse will take place next year."
Teacher told us that an eclipse
next year.
11. King John: "Magna Carta will diminish my role as a king." "What did King John say?"
King John said that Magna Carta
his role as a king
12. Prime Minister: "We are facing a financial crisis at world level." "What did the Prime Minister say?"
The Prime Minister said that we
a financial crisis at world level.