
Suzie's life:

Hi,my name is Suzie, I live in a farm with my grandparents. I wake up at 06:00. I am only child. I have eleven years old. My school starts at 10:00 and finish at 14:00. I eat my lunch at 13:00 with my friends at school. My favourite animal is horse. I riding my horse at 15:00 to 17:00. My dinner is at 19:00. My bedtime is at 20:30. I didn't have got a phone,but its alright!

Grace's life:

Hello,my name is Grace's. I have ten years.I live in town. I live with my family and my brother, Arthur. I wake up at 07:30 and I served my breakfast at 08:00. My school start at 09:00 and finish at 14:00. I served lunch at 12:00 with my bestfriend, Loren at school. Now one year,I have got for first time an phone. My favourite animal is cats. I do my homework at 16:00 and I walk with my best friend at the park at 18:00. My dinner time is 19:30 and my bedtime is at 22:00.

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