5 Think of one word which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. 1 • Tina had a sarcastic .... • The .... help one to come to terms with them. • Jean used an unusual hadn't heard before. 2 • There are some .... on her face. .. of negative emotions can inefficiency which cannot be overlooked. • Tim is a(n) he's used to being admired. 4. Our ski.... • Families of ....... .... workers will be paid subsistence by the Union in recognition of their participation in the struggle. .. which I ..... young man and so 3 • For more information about assessment you should speak to the ....... of department. • At mealtimes, my father usually sits at the ..... of the table. • No, I won't come mountain-climbing : I've no .... for heights. beginners' examples of Austrian chap. We travelled by ... some wonderful scenery. • At midnight Cinderella's changed back into a pumpkin. • In the was a dynamic young 5 • If you want to learn Spanish, ask if there's a .... at the local college. ... of the conversation I realised I'd forgotten her name. It was a simple meal: the main was roast chicken.