3. A. Match the words with their synonyms: 1. tight-fisted 2. well off 3. pile off 4. immaculate 5. how! 6. creep 7. lad 8. merrily 9. shiver 10. poor pay a. clean b. with happiness, joyfully C. crawl d. wealthy, rich e. young man, boy f. low salary g. mean with one's money h. long, painful cry i.tremble j. gather B. Match the words with their antonyms: I warming a wealthy person b. leave 2. merrily 3. remove con the outskirts 4. thick d cloth, tatter 5. immaculate e cooling 6. downtown f. busy 7. expensive material g dirty 8. icy h. sadly 9. beggar i thin 10. empty, deserted