
Jeff Kinney
Jeff Kinney is on
cartoonist, actor
and author of
children's books. He
also works 04 0
designer for online
games and is the
creator of the
• "Diary of a
Wimpy Kid is a
series of fiction
books released in
2004. These
journals of the
main character,
Greg Heffley.
include hand-
written notes and
simple drawings
of the boy's daily
ner Diary of a Wimpy Kid
by Jeff Kinney
First of all let me get something straight. This is a journal
not a diary
The other thing I want to clear up right away is that this is my
mother's idea, not mine.
But if she thinks I'm going to write down my "feelings in here or
whatever, she's crazy So just don't expect me to be all "Dear Diary
this and "Dear Diary that
The only reason I agree to do this at all is because I imagine mysetr
being rich and famous later on and having better things to do than
answer people's silly questions all day long. But for now I'm stuck in
middle school.
Tonight at dinner dad has told us that his younger brother, w
Gary, is getting engaged to his girlfriend, Sonja. I guess the
great news and everything, but it's not the first time unde
growth charts at home, because we can just look at pictures fo
has got married. This is his third time. In fact, we don't ev
uncle Gary's weddings to keep track of our progress,
So, I think everyone's a little burned out by now. Uncle
marrying for the third time, but my mother doesn't even bother t
replace his wedding picture on the mantelpiece. She just tapes a phas
Match the
phrases to
1. engage
2 to kee
Gammie is ninety-five years old, but has been living
in the same big house since her childhood. She's like
the official head of the whole Heffley family.
Gammie is one of the only people in the world who
still writes letters. And when she writes you a letter
she expects you to write one BACK.
5. to
the new wife's head on top of the old one.
quickly. For example: he got engaged to his first wife, Linda, two months after they
Uncle Gary's not a bad guy or anything. He just rushes into these relationships to
met, and she didn't even find out what he does for a living until their wedding day
I try to explain to her that people my age don't know
how to write letters with a stamp and a "return address
and all that stuff, but she doesn't wanna hear it.
2 M
I am told that uncle Gary's wedding is in November, and the reception is taking
place at my great-grandmother Gammie's house, like last
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