1 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word in bold. Do not change the word in bold. Write between two and five words. 1 I started doing a course called 'The meaning of body language' two months ago, DOING 1 2 There are several gestures which express the idea of anxiety. OF a course called 'The meaning of body language for two months. 4 Why aren't you talking to Amanda? STOPPED There are 3 Did you know that in Greece nodding your head upwards means 'No'? AWARE gestures which express the idea of anxiety. He 8 The sign said, 'Attention! Falling rocks!'. BEWARE that in Greece nodding your head upwards means 'No'? Why talking to Amanda? 5 I've called you lots of times, but you never answered your phone. YOU I 6 There was nobody else in the room. WAS all day, but you never answered your phone. She 7 He has lots of respect for his new colleagues. HUGE in the room. of respect for his new colleagues. falling rocks ite
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