PAST SIMPLE TENSE 1.- Freddy (take) his sisters to school last Tuesday. 2.-Marina. .....(cry) last night because she...........(be) alone. 3.-Thomas and you (bring) some new books to the library. 4.-Some girls. 5.-Lina and Alice. 6.-The old man.. 7.-A gardener. . (run) in the marathon. (be) very good friends. (walk) slowly to the gate. (grow) a lot of beautiful flower in the garden. 8.-Richard. ........(understand) my instructions easily. 9.-Her husband (help) her in the kitchen. 10.-Henry. .(watch) some good videos on television. 11.-The singer (win) the first prize in the contest. 12.-My grandmother. (cook) some chocolate cakes. 13.-Daniel and Anne........ .(come) to visit me last Monday. 14.-Lorena. 15.-Patricia. (do) her homework in her bedroom. (want) to travel to New York. 16.-The young woman (have) a baby last night. 17.-Oscar .(write) some poems for his girlfriend.