
REPHRASING 6. Perhaps they managed to catch the plane. (may) 7. Taxes are expected to rise next year. (people) 8. I am sure they have received our letter. (must) 9. Do you mind if you open that window? (would) 12 95 10. Why don't you try to speak to the manager? (how) 11. A mechanic is going to fix the engine of my car. (am) 12. I regret you didn't tell the truth from the very beginning. (had) 13. She failed the exam because she was very tired. (if) 14. Can you show me the way to the railway station, please? (kind) 15. I'm sure Jane is still at school; she never leaves before 2 o'clock p.m. (must) 16. Thank you for the flowers, but it wasn't necessary, really. (need) 17. You'd better take the morning train. (I) 18. It's forbidden to light a fire in the forest. (allowed) 19. Although she was very tired, she managed to finish her homework that evening. (of) 20. John went to the library so that he could borrow a book of poetry. (order) 21. The game was cancelled because it was foggy. (to) 22. What time is the next train to Paris? (leave) 23. You have said something that was very interesting. (what)​