
Put in the correct forms of the verbs (perfect or past, simple or progressive).
Dear Jenny,
I hope everything's OK with you. I (go) ..went interview last week, but I (1 not hear) who interviewed me said that he (2 receive) Do you know, I (3 have) but no luck. It's really depressing. I (4 try) (5 since/for) for another job anything yet. The man 240 applications! nine job interviews since Christmas, to get a job nearly a year now without success. I (6 see) (7 just come back) to the same place that they (8 go) really good time, except that Tom (9 lose) in the sea when they (10 fish) problems getting home. Lots of love, Sue Sally a few weeks ago. She and Tom from a nice holiday in Tenerife. They went to before, and they had a .... all his documents one day, and they had terrible​