
I. Answer the following questions:

1. When was invented badminton or was it first played?

2. Establish the differences between badminton and tennis.

3. What social class used to play this game in Europe in the 17th century?

4. When was held the first Open Tournament?

5. When was created the International Badminton Federation and who were the initial members?

6. Name some of the most important international badminton events.

7. What country has won the most badminton events at Commonwealth Games?

8. When did badminton become an Olympic sport?

9. What countries have won the Olympic gold medals until now?

10. What is the best badminton shuttle made of?

11. What are the abilities that a badminton player needs during a long lasting match?

12. What does the badminton equipment consist of?

13. How many games does a badminton match consist of?

14. Mention some of the basic badminton rules.

15. Who named his estate after this game, after badminton had reached a huge popularity in Europe?

dau coroana!!!!!! îmi trebuie urgent, răspunsurile nu trebuie sa fie ample.
mulțumesc mult!!!!​

I Answer The Following Questions 1 When Was Invented Badminton Or Was It First Played 2 Establish The Differences Between Badminton And Tennis 3 What Social Cla class=