
16 Check Your Progress PLE I. Fill the table with the name of the country and the nationality adjective. Buon giorno! They come from I They are Bonjour! 1. I like 2. There's a new F pavement petrol Guten tag! G LIMBA ENGLEZĂ CHRU II. Fill the gaps in the following sentences with nationality adjectives and nouns. Buenas dias! S Romanian restaurants in China. 3. Tom Cruise is a famous 4. If you go to Japan always take off your shoes when you go into people's houses. The think it's rude to keep your shoes on in the house. actor. garbage Bună ziua! music, toreros and bull-fights, which they call "corridas". restaurant in the city. I wonder if there are any R 5. Goulash is originally a 6. Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky were two great III. Find the missing words in the table below. Use a dictionary to check your answers. British English American English Translation dish. novelists. = metrou​