2. Draw a table in your notebooks with three columns and sixteen lines. Write the following headings for the three columns: Country Poland Adjective Polish • Translate the names of the following countries into English and write them under the first heading. China, Danemarca, Anglia, Franța, Germania, Grecia, Norvegia, Pakistan, Polonia, România, Spania, Suedia, Olanda, Turcia. Noun (Person) a Pole • Use a dictionary to find the nationality adjectives and nouns and write them in the next two columns. maize • Add two countries of your choice and check if your deskmate knows the nationalit adjectives/nouns for them. 3. Did you know that there are differences between British and American English? Many words are similar but some are not. Use a dictionary to find the missing words in the table below. Can you translate them? British English American English truck fall elevator flat tire Remember Use capital letters for nouns and adjectives of nationality. Translation = apartament - pană de cauciuc Take a mome to relax! Listen to the song An Englishman in New Yor by Sting. Write down some differences between British and American lifestyles. How does the Brit feel in the States? PI T W Is e T 1.