
DIALOGUE Complete the conversation with the phrases in the list. don't be silly | where shall I start now you mention it you're a star stuff like that here we go where have you been hiding | what's up JOHNNY Hi, Sophie! I haven't seen you 1 ? SOPHIE JOHNNY Oh 2 SOPHIE Hi, Johnny. Yes, I'm sorry. I've just had so much to do these days. excuses. Like what? 3 Oh, well, ? Like, revising for exams, taking care of my brother ... JOHNNY Your brother? 4 with him? SOPHIE JOHNNY Wow, Sophie. 5. SOPHIE Didn't you hear? He had a pretty bad accident a few weeks ago. He was in hospital for over two weeks. He's home now. I have to look after him in the afternoon when I get back from school. SOPHIE for ages. with the 8 JOHNNY Well, I don't know how you manage to look after someone who's ill. F Oh,6 much to manage really - but he can't move around much so I just have to get food and things, help him get dressed, Anyway, he's 7 my brother so I want to help him. I'm sure you've helped people in your family too. There isn't , I helped to look after my dad when he was ill a few years ago. See? We all do things when we have to. And that's what I'm doing. It is tiring, though.​