
4 Read and answer the questions for each part of the text.
English people believe that their beef
and mutton, bread and cheese, eggs
and bacon are the best in the world.
They also think that no apples have a
better taste than good English ones
and no other cup of tea is better than
tea made in England.
Do English people like their foods? Why?
Meals in England are much the same as in other
countries, with the exception of breakfast. A traditional
English breakfast is a very big meal, sausages, bacon,
eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms. But very many people
just have cereal with milk and sugar, or toast with
marmalade, jam or honey. People traditionally drink
tea at breakfast. Some of them have coffee.
What does a traditional English breakfast include?
Lunch is at one o'clock. Many people have lunch at snack
bars. Schoolchildren can have a hot meal at school, but
many just take a snack from home - a sandwich, a drink,
some fruit, and perhaps some crisps. A sandwich is bread
or a roll with all sorts of salad and meat or fish.
Where do the English usually have lunch?
English people have dinner in the
evening between six and eight
o'clock. They usually eat roast beef
and boiled or roast potatoes.
What do the English usually have for
dinner? Do you think English people
eat healthy food?