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Unfortunately, i went a little too far and ended up in a part of the river where the water was really rough. And a few seconds later i got tossed my inner tube. It was actually pretty scary. The water was moving fast, so i pointed my feet downstream to make sure i didn't crack my head open a rock. I called for help, but the people around me had their music up too loud to even notice. My family tried to save me, but it turns out they're totally usles in a emergency. Up ahead, people were pulling their inner tubes out of of the river in the landing area, so i tried to paddle myself over there. But the water was moving fast, and i was getting pulled downstream. My family got out of the river, and Dad was yelling and pointing at something near me. That's wen i saw a big branch hanging out over the water, and i grabbed it. For a second i thought everthing was going to be ok. Then i noticed something drifting away from me and realized it was my swimming shorts. A lifeguard from the adventure centre started wading out towards me with a float. And i knew if i just kept hanging on to that branch she'd rescue me. But all i could think of were the people in the landing area who were about to see me without my swimming shorts. And Rodrick was alredy recording me with his phone. So i decided the best move was to let go and take my chances. Luckly, the water wasn't as rocky downstream, but it was stillmoving fast. By the time i was able to drag myself on the shore, i must've been a quarter of a mile from the landing area. And i never find my swimming shorts, but thankfully i found the cooler. Last night everyone in my family agreed that our trip was off to a pretty terrible start. But we coudn't decide what to do next. I thought we should just admit this trip was a misake and go back to gramma's. But dad said we couldn't turn round now because we hadn't done any actual camping yet. Dad said there was a national forest a few hours away, and if we camped there we could stay in one place for the rest of the trip and relax for a change. I wasn't crazy about going off on our own, but i knew how the rest of the summer was gonna play out if we went back to gramma's basement now. I didn't feel great about camping in the wilderness, but dad said, if we got into any trouble, there were rangers who could help us out. And that made me feel a ilttle better. So we spent the night in the car park of the adventure centre, and first thing in the morning we headed for the national forest. The ranger at the entrance told us it hadn't rained in a few weeks, so the risk of fire was really high. Then she gave dad a map and apmphelt with tips on how to camp responsibly. The forest was big, so it took a while for us to get to our pitch. And we didn't see a single human being on our way in. The pich was actually really nice. There was a lot of space forthe camper van, and we were right next to a little stream. After we set up our hammock and chairs, we kiked back and ejoyed being out in nature. At least most of us did. After a few minutes, mom asked what our plan was, and dad said this was the plan. Mom said we couldn't just sit around all day, and we needed to do something active like go on a nature hike or something. But that sounded like a lot of work to us guys, especially after a long drive. So mom said if we were all gonna laze around ahe was gonna put our electronics in the valut for the rest of the trip. And that was enough to get us moving. Mom pulled out the map and found a trail that was nearby. And before we headed off on the hike, she told everyone to fill up our flasks and put on bug spray. But i was a lot more woried about bears than bugs. I remembered that the guy at the camping store said if you saw a bear out in nature the best thing you could do was make noise to scare it away. Luckly, uncle Gary left some pots and pans under the sink in the camper van. But i wasn't gonna wait until we spotted a bear to start making a racket. Everyone got annoyed with me pretty quick, and mom told me i needed to make the cookware back to the camper van. She said i could catch up with them furnither down the trail, and i was actually fine with that, because that stuff was pretty heavy, anyway. Plus, i was starting to wonder if the noise might actually attract bears, because whenever i heard pots and pans i'm thinking dinner. After i put the cookware back in the camper van, i tuned round and got back on the trail. I thought if i hurried it might take me ten minutes to reconnect with everyone. But then i ran into a problem.​