
HI Read Julie's Blog. Then number the pictures. BLOG my Portfoli Welcome to my blog! Let's talk about hobbies! I like exercising in my free time. Sometimes I do yoga. My dog Jonesy helps me. Do you exercise! What exercises do you do? Every day I go for a long walk with my dog. We walk in the park for one hour. The fresh air is really good for me. by Julia I love watching TV. I watch cartoons and romantic films. Do you watch TV? What do you like watching! Comment Sam SUBSCRIBE Revision of free-time activities I really like reading. My favourite stories are fantasy stories. At the moment I'm reading a book with princesses, witches and flying horses... Do you like reading? What do you read! Oh, and every day I chat online with my friends. I enjoy that very much. I'm chatting with them right now I have to go now! My favourite TV show is on Tell me about your hobbies in the comment section below! Bye for now! 3 Lesson Lesson 10 Read and say which comment answers Julie's questions. Alice Dear Julie. I love your blog I exercise every day I ride my bike in the park. I love fresh air too. I don't have a dog I have a cat. We play every day It's lots of fun. I don't watch TV, but I read books. My favourites are adventure stories. Em reading a book called Pirates of the East Seas now. I chat online with my friends too. We chat for hours and send photos. It's great Love, Alice REPLY View 23 replies - Mike 2 hours ago Dear Julie, I read your blog all the time. My daily routine looks like this: every day I get up at seven o'clock and I have a shower I have breakfast and then I go to school. I come home at one o'clock. I have lunch and I do my homework I go to bed at nine o'clock Best wishes, Mike REPLY View 123 replies - Write a comment on Julie's blog. Put it in your portfolio. da 13 View 1 reply You 3 hours ago Dear Julie, I read your blog all the time. My hobbies are.... REPLY V Pair work. Talk to your partner about your hobbies. What do you do in your free time? What are your favourite activities? I like exercising in my free time. I love reading, too. What about you? My blog entry is: Revision of free-time activities

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